Top 10 Benefits of Cloud Computing for Your Online Business

Before we know what are the benefits of cloud computing it is better to define what cloud computing is. There are multiple servers in cloud computing that are connected together and it helps in sharing the resources. Cloud computing divides the generated load and by doing this it helps to maintain uptime of the website. By using cloud server hosting many business have increased their profit margin significantly. Some benefits of cloud computing are mentioned below.

Provides better flexibility

Cloud server host offer better capacity in conditions that require flexibility when it comes to resources allocation. Cloud hosting is not inflexible like traditional hosting where flexibility was restricted due to constraints in relation to server hardware, space availability and technical know-how.

Cloud offers scalability

one of the prime benefits of cloud computing is that it provides scalability of resources. According to the need and forecast of the trade before cloud computing these businesses were not able to to select the appropriate hardware that was required to the meet its growing business necessities and most of the time to compensate this hosting providers would oversell i.e. suggest businesses to purchase more than what was actually needed for their website. At any given point of time in cloud resources can be upgraded and downgraded. In case there is a spike in web traffic on your website and if your website is hosted on cloud hosting server you will not have to worry about downtime.

Increased security

A concern regarding cloud hosting was that the company data would reside on the cloud server beyond the internal firewall of the company. This ascertained to be a blessing in disguise to the businesses as now they can forget about the worries of hacking and internal data theft. The Cloud hosting providers that maintain all the security standards have a secured network where Big Data of the company can be stored and kept secured.

Load balancing with minimum infrastructure:

Load balancing distributes the load equally to the servers so that the tasks can be executed in more efficient ways. This requires a load balancing server to perform the distribution of load, however in cloud hosting this is done by the creating a cluster of load balanced virtual machines using the various cloud platforms. By using cloud web hosting, a business can virtualise the physical Infrastructure to form a virtual load balanced cluster.

More collaboration

Today businesses need to have more coordination and collaboration as competition exists in every industry. More the employees are in sync with employees that are at a different geographical location and belonging to the same organisation, more will be done through collaborated efforts. Ultimately this helps the business to increase the return of investment and is possible due to the implementation of cloud hosting technology. Tasks like file sharing, receiving updates and records are all done in real-time with more efficiency.

Continuous  web presence

Online businesses want consistent and continuous uptime. The website is important for the online businesses and when the users increase on the website it can cause the load to surge, resulting in downtime. But by hosting your website on cloud hosting you can sit back and relax since the cloud server is able to handle traffic spikes.

Quicker Execution

The execution of a new application would take time before cloud computing i.e. it would take months or years to get the application running and functioning smoothly. But applications that are established on cloud have significantly reduced the time for successful execution. The enterprise applications that are cloud based and have a wide reach can be running and up in few days or weeks. But most of the cloud based application can be used instantly after a signup.

Lower subscription cost

The cost structure in cloud is subscription based; this helps to have a lower initial cost of set up and does not increase the overheads. Cloud hosting permits the user to ensure freedom and flexibility to pay for only what is used i.e. pay-per-use. Cloud hosting makes it simple even for billing whenever a demand is raised by the customer to either upgrade or downgrade the plan.

Strategic competitive advantage

The deployment time taken in cloud computing is virtually zero. It provides you with a strategic competitive advantage over your competitors who still have not yet adopted cloud technology. Certain applications that can prove mission critical for grow and success of the business can be more efficiently deployed with cloud hosting. Thus, with easy in the technology cloud computing makes the businesses focus more on the chief corporate objectives and plans.

Environmental friendly

The impact of IT industry on the environment has made businesses be more responsible and play their role to reduced carbon footprints. The minimum volume of server space and reduced consumption by the cloud servers have made reduced carbon emissions. Thus, businesses that are on the cloud hosting are helping the environment.

Cloud hosting server offers flexibility, scalability with more collaboration, quicker execution along with competitive advantage etc. all this without putting any strain on the environment. Cloud hosting technology must be adopted by website owners if they want scalability, security and continuous web presence. Cloud hosting is needed for the online businesses to have technological supremacy over competitors.

So you have to decide about migrating to cloud computing and while searching for a cloud hosting provider find out whether the support available is 24 x 7 and is to a high standard.
