8 Reasons You're Not Sleeping Well

You may lovingly look back at the time when you used to easily drift to sleep the moment you hit the bed and doze off immediately only to wake up on the next day afternoon.

Nowadays, most nights you keep tossing and turning in bed and when you wake up the next morning you feel anything but refreshed.

Not being able to sleep well at night is not only a frustrating experience but it can also trigger a never-ending series of health issues according to the reputed sleep doctor. So here are some of the major reasons why you are not being able to grab a peaceful slumber at night. Just read on.

  • Depression – The physical depression changes just like appetite and can swing at extreme levels. You may all of a sudden find that you are not being able to shut your eyes and out of the blue you may start feeling tired and find yourself sleeping throughout the day. Because of depression you may also find yourself waking up in the middle of the night almost every day.

  • Night-time Exercise – A heart-pumping sweaty workout about a couple or 3 hours before bedtime can prove to be a bit too much although a relaxing stroll with your pet around the corner is perfectly alright. Exercise raises both your heart rate and body temperature as contrary to that of the snoozing hours when they are bound to drop. As a result of this, the entire nervous system of yours gets stimulated which makes it difficult for you to sleep. So, you should schedule your workout time either in the morning or in the afternoon.

  • Chronic Stress – You need to divert attention to multiple tasks all day long. The deadlines, projects, meetings and even social interactions can act as probable stressors. Though stress is a beneficial state that helps you to stay alert, the chronic stress deprives you from sleeping and also affects your health. So, try to control and limit your stress level as much as possible.

  • Diet – What you eat can affect the quality of your sleep. This primarily includes the big meals. The heavy meals not only have you full, but they also augment obesity that can lead to sleep apnea which a life-threatening ailment. Excessive caffeine can make you sleep deprived and it takes almost 6 hours to clear the caffeine from the body. Similar is the case with a glass of wine though it can make you feel sleepy. You may sleep but the sleep won’t be sound. So you should have dinner at least a couple of hours before bedtime. Also avoid spicy and fatty foods and try to keep the meal light. Too much liquid before bedtime is also bad as you will have to wake up time and again for toilet breaks.

  • Usage of Gadgets and Harsh Lights in Bed – You should restrict your social media scrolling to the sunny hours. Exposing the eyes too much to excessive and harsh lights especially when you are in a darker ambience not only weakens the eyesight but also makes it hard to fall asleep.

  • Your Biological Clock Being Haywire – After a week of hard work, sleeping late on Friday and Saturday nights and waking up late on Saturday and Sunday mornings is something that most of us look forward to. But these wreak havoc on our biological clocks. You won’t be ready to sleep as a result of this even if you retire to bed early on Sunday night which makes your Monday morning irritable and tough.

  • Smoking before Bedtime – Smokers smoke as they find it to be relaxing. But that is not a magical boon that they have discovered. When you smoke prior to sleeping, you can expect to wake up several times at night just like you do in case of coffee.

  • Sleep Apnea – This is one condition that can be easily related to an overweight man, but ladies you are not safe. Women of variant sizes and ages can also develop this condition. A woman with change in the tone of muscle or narrow jaw can also get sleep apnea. These anatomical features can block muscles to reach the lungs as you sleep. When you have sleep apnea snoring may not be the only symptom. But you may feel sleepy throughout the day. So, if you are undergoing such a symptom like snoring or fatigue during day you should see a doctor immediately who can suggest snoring remedies if that is something you are experiencing. Otherwise lifestyle changes like losing weight, sleeping on your side along with oral appliances or CPAP machine can help to reverse the condition.

The above are some of the major reasons why you are not sleeping well. Get rid of the ill-habits and treat any condition that you may have in order to grab a good night’s sleep.

