How Using Low Cholesterol Oil Helps.

Good and bad cholesterol are both present in our body. It is of the utmost importance that to maintain a healthy body, the good cholesterol levels are higher in the body and bad cholesterol levels are low. If bad cholesterol levels in the body increase then it might end up having longer repercussions on your health. Hence it is always good to choose cholesterol free oils. Have a look at other reasons here, specifically keeping olive oil in mind.

One cannot debate with the fact that olive oil has tremendous health benefits for our body. This is specifically true when it is consumed on a regular basis. The effects that olive oil has on the cholesterol levels is only one part of the brilliant benefits that this oil provides to the body.

 Be it refined olive pomace oil or other olive oil products in India, the bottom line still remains that when cooking with olive oil, can lead to the increase in the level of good cholesterol in our body and decrease the level of bad cholesterol in the body.

We understand that this could still be slightly confusing for some, so in order to do away with that confusion too, let us try to analyze what exactly cholesterol means, shall we?


What is cholesterol?

Our daily diet needs to comprise certain nutrients in order to ensure that that the diet is a balanced one. One such nutrient(s) happens to be something called lipids or fats. Even these are essential.

A healthy diet will ensure that these lipids and fats are present in the right amount as a high level of fat content in the diet could very well end up causing many serious cardiovascular issues.

What essentially leads to the rise of cholesterol in the blood is a change in the lipids or fat levels in the body. Why this occurs is because the walls of the arteries end up getting lined with the excess lipids. Excess accumulation of these lipids also leads to blockage of the arteries which further leads to a ton of heart issues. This is whag is known as bad cholesterol or LDL. HDL on the other hand is good cholesterol and is beneficial for the health. 


Why decrease high cholesterol levels.

A cholesterol value of 240 or more is extremely unhealthy and truly dangerous to your health as well.  This is what ends up causing problems like strokes, heart issues or angina to name a few!


The use of olive oil in such situations:

Helps the consumer of olive oil reduce their cholesterol levels

Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fats monounsaturated fats help reduce the bad cholesterol levels in the blood and increase good cholesterol levels in the blood. 

Foods like meats and dairy are high in saturated fats. 

Eating these things in moderation is what needs to be observed.

Extra virgin olive oil contains more monounsaturated fats. As a result, this helps in bringing down the bad cholesterol levels.


This goes without saying that these observations lead to one result. Olive oil, particularly extra virgin olive oil is great at helping reduce bad cholesterol levels effectively.
