How do you put a logo on a cookie?

Putting a logo on a cookie involves a process known as edible printing, where edible ink is used to print an image onto a surface that is safe for consumption. is a website that specializes in edible printing products, so you can likely find the necessary materials there. Here's a general guide on how to put a logo on a cookie using edible printing:


1. Choose Edible Printing Supplies:

   Visit and select the edible printing supplies you need. This may include edible ink cartridges compatible with your printer, edible paper or frosting sheets, and a printer that is designed for edible printing.


2. Prepare the Image:

   Ensure that your logo is in a digital format. You may need to adjust the size and resolution to fit the edible paper or frosting sheets. Use photo editing software to optimize the image.


3. Load Edible Ink Cartridges:

   If you have a dedicated edible ink printer, replace the regular ink cartridges with the edible ink cartridges. This is important to ensure that the ink is safe for consumption.


4. Print the Image:

   Load the edible paper or frosting sheets into the printer. Print the logo onto the edible paper using the edible ink. Follow the printer manufacturer's instructions for loading edible paper.


5. Let it Dry:

   Allow the printed image to dry completely before handling. This may take a few minutes, depending on the type of edible paper or frosting sheets used.


6. Cut and Apply:

   Once the image is dry, carefully cut out the logo using clean, food-safe scissors. Place the edible logo onto the cookie's surface. If the cookie has icing, you can apply the logo directly to the icing.


7. Secure the Edible Image:

   To ensure the edible image stays in place, you can use a thin layer of edible adhesive or royal icing on the back of the image before placing it on the cookie.


Remember to follow the specific instructions provided by Inkedibles or your printer manufacturer for the best results. Additionally, check that all materials used are designated as edible and safe for consumption.
