Oxford health insurance NY

We offer the best health insurance in New York. Our selection of individual and oxford health insurance NY plans offers you the perfect coverage.

Click Here:- http://life143.com/personal/health-insurance/

Health Insurance

Off Market place Plans, Medicare, Essential Plan – (Off Marketplace Plans – Off market place plans is health insurance that is not have any government assistance and does not go through the states marketplace to get insured. Getting health insurance coverage off the marketplace is an easier way to get health insurance coverage.) ( Medicare – Medicare is for individuals that are 65 years old and older. Medicare insurance has several options you can choose from such as Medicare Advantage Plans (Part C) , Supplemental Plans also known as Medigap Coverage and standalone drug plans (Part D). (Essential Plan – Essential plans are for lower income individuals who do not qualify for Medicaid or Child Health Plus plans. Essential plans cost as little as $20.00 per month and has a zero deductible.

If your health insurance is not automatically provided by your employer, it can be difficult to feel confident that you have the right coverage because there are so many options available. Our New York insurance experts understand the different plans available that fall outside of company coverage, and those that are independent of government assistance through the Health Marketplace. We can review the benefits of different off market plans that can fit your budget, help you secure Medicare coverage, and determine if an Essential plan might be the right option for you based on your financial situation and health needs. Selecting the right plan means more than finding the cheapest option available to you – our team is committed to helping you identify the coverage that can best respond to your potential health needs.

Life Insurance

Whole Life, Term, GUL (Whole Life – whole life insurance also known as permanent life insurance provides protection for your family and beneficiaries after you pass away. Many whole life policies offer an investment option also known as cash value which may be withdrawn for other investments, college education and any unforeseen expenses.) (Term insurance – Term insurance is the most affordable and basic kind of insurance that protects your family. Term insurance comes in fixed lengths of time (5, 10, 15, 20, or even 30 year term). As long as you pay, you cannot be canceled. Term Life Insurance can be purchased for as little as a dollar per day.) (GUL – GUL also known as guaranteed universal life insurance is a mix between term insurance and whole life insurance. GUL does not typically have the cash value portion which makes this policy more affordable than a whole life policy but because it typically insures the individual for a longer period than term insurance (typically up to age 100) it is more costly than term insurance.

Should you count on term insurance to serve your family in the event something happens to you? Would they be better served if you select a whole life policy, or guaranteed universal coverage? Our

New York insurance experts are plugged into the NYC life insurance market, and can help you understand what different policy options might be able to do for your family. In addition to understanding the world of NYC insurance policies, we understand the needs people bring with them when they discuss something as serious as life insurance. We have experience arranging long-term plans for new families, and we can help you if you are looking for a new policy if your current term insurance is soon to expire.

Contact Us

Email : [email protected]

Phone : 718-878-6484

Address : 2535 Victory Blvd,Staten Island, NY 10314

