Quick Guide to Vigor & Items in Lords of the Fallen

Lords of the Fallen, a challenging action RPG, offers a rewarding experience for those who master its mechanics. One key aspect of thriving in this brutal world is efficiently farming Vigor and valuable items. This guide will delve into proven strategies to help you enhance your character swiftly and effectively.

Understanding LotF Vigor: Vigor is more than just a stat; it's a crucial component of your survival and effectiveness in combat. It affects your health and the ability to execute more actions before becoming exhausted.

Effective Farming Locations:

  1. The Catacombs: Early in the game, this area offers a balance of challenge and reward. Focus on enemies that you can defeat reliably without taking significant damage.
  2. The Rhogar Realm: As you progress, this area becomes a goldmine for farming. The enemies here offer a good balance of challenge and reward.

Optimizing Your Build:

  • Focus on Stamina Management: Ensure your build supports a high stamina pool, allowing you to perform more actions and dodge more effectively.
  • Gear Choices: Equip gear that boosts item discovery rates or Vigor directly. Some armor sets and accessories provide these bonuses.

Utilizing the Checkpoint System: Checkpoint crystals not only serve as save points but also as a means to respawn enemies. Use them to your advantage by clearing an area of enemies, then resetting them for more farming.

Co-op Play: Consider joining forces with other players. Co-op can make defeating tough enemies easier and more efficient, leading to faster farming.

Enemy Patterns and Weaknesses:

  • Learn the attack patterns of the enemies in your chosen farming area.
  • Exploit weaknesses such as elemental vulnerabilities or slow attack speeds.

Efficient Routes

Plan your farming route to minimize backtracking and downtime. Efficient routes mean you're defeating enemies and collecting LotF items at a faster rate.


With these strategies, your journey through "Lords of the Fallen" will be filled with rapid advancement in both your Vigor and your inventory. Remember, patience and persistence are key. Happy farming, and may your efforts yield abundant rewards!
