How The Web SCADA Software Is Beneficial In Multiple Industrial Processes?

If you look into the use of application based software for automation, designing, and monitoring of systems, then one of the best gaining fast popularity is the Web SCADA. Prominently gaining steady popularity the software has all the good reasons to get great popularity and use in various industrial segments.

Monitoring of electrical flow and consumption to estimate budget and compare usage
Low and medium voltage networks can be analyzed with the use of the Web SCADA applications. Many applications are developed inside the Winlog Pro SCADA so that multi level monitoring can be done.

In this case, companies and businesses, factories and small and medium scale industries, which stay torn between the promotions of various power lines and networks, will be able to analyze which network is giving them a better electrical flow, and lesser expenditure. To know this the application can be run at the business, and the smart bars and charts, pathways and circuit maps will let users know the path of electrical flow, the use of voltages by applications and parts of the system etc. You will be able to instantly get the idea that which system or appliance is using more power, and where power consumption is less, or disturbed, or interrupted etc. Overall at the end of the month you will get a precise idea of how much power was consumed and how much your bill is with advance budgeting of the coming months on basis of the reports.

Metal heat treatment monitoring and quality control

Controlling the quality and monitoring of various heating chambers and varied heating systems in a metal heat treatment plant can be done with the Winlog Pro Software SCADA.

Traditional ways like paper recording etc can be eliminated and the implementation of the Web SCADA software will generate MS Office compatible reports for data analysis, keeping records, generating alarms etc. The metal heat treatment plants generally have various instruments to record temperatures and heat exchanges between furnaces. The application in the software gathers information from every division without interfering with their working. This happens by a parallel data acquisition system. All data are compared and made into a report, which consists of crucial information like process variable curves, load identification data etc.

Even alarm broadcasting to maintenance staffs by receiving alerts from systems is possible with the software, and in case of unmonitored systems the alert is raised to surveillance staffs.

All this is possible because of the high data integrity brought through the PClog server TCP/IP and two PClog client stations, for providing system HMI. If a process does not have the local HMI, then they will find this Software SCADA application to be highly beneficial for enhancing their vision and monitoring of all incorporated systems and processes which are machine dependent.


If you want to implement the highly beneficial software for your industry, then you may get a demo from the makers, and understand very well its real implementation and how you would be benefitted using it.

Hey myself Archer Finch. Even though I took extra care about my systems, but still it was more prone to hacking. With the introduction of the Software SCADA, my system is now very much safe from all sorts of threats, as most of the Web SCADA are connected to web based portals or products.
